Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Do Democrats suffer from “minority mentality”? Have they been the underdogs for so long they can’t find the spine to fight for us in government? Are they like a brow beaten wife who has lost all confidence to stand up for herself? Are Democrats scared to be “politically” incorrect and fight for jobs and businesses? Do we have to eternally be the nice guy? Is a moderate politician a weak one? Could we all see that there are importantant issues on both sides and come towards the center where there are the crucial issues that are no brainers? Is being a Centrist like being a dirt bag?

Hello out there, maybe a Centrist is an average American who is only vouching for the most basic and important issues that face "middle America," another dirty term. What if we say the "middle" in middle America is the core (as an old radical this is hard for me too but bare with me) of our society that worries about core issues like housing, food, education, health insurance, crime, jobs, etc. Maybe Centrists are the new Independents, or visa versa. I'm just sayin'.

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