Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why Are We The Boss of the World?

April 5, 2009

To the New York Times -
re bossing the world nations, as in telling N Korea they can’t develop
nuclear weapons:

Now, wait just a minute. I may be naive and simple minded but , to me, telling other countries, such as North Korea and Iran, not to build missiles and bombs seems presumptuous and possibly causing rancor enough so that they defy us. President Obama is doing a great job and I am very happy he is President. On this subject, however, he is towing an old line that has gotten us nowhere.
We ourselves have nuclear weapons as do several other countries. Is that the credentials to boss everyone else around telling them what they can’t develop missiles or nuclear power? Yes, I know this was a United Nations treaty but wasn’t that agreed upon back in the cave era?
Time to be real. Use diplomacy to make friends who won’t attack us.
The Nato countries should rewrite their agenda. The Alliance should use international forces to keep nuclear nations from doing anything aggressive. The US must come to terms with the fact that we have little credibility after attacking and ruining Iraq.
Please tell me why we, Americans, have the right to tell other countries how to live in this big bad world?

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