Monday, December 8, 2008

Saving the Dinosaurs

December 8th, 2008 12:34 am

I do not favor a bailout for the auto companies so I hope that if the government decides to lend (they have to pay back!) them funds they attach stringent requirement for environmentally friendly auto production and no executive privileges until the money is returned to the taxpayers. The car companies have been producing sub par automobiles for decades, thumbing their noses at consumers, while the executives in charge lined their off shore coffers for such a day as this. I don't care if they are ruined. As usual the workers need to be protected so we will shore up the companies for a while. I say that the government should ask the CEOs to draft a plan to distribute the ownership in bonds or stocks to the employees. Can someone please audit the bosses financial statements? They are richer that anyone imagines. Let them give up their fortunes to save Detroit! Do you really think they would?


Anonymous said...

I think the oil co's should bail them out.

Anonymous said...

I think most of us are to blame too. How many people do you know who own(ed) SUV's?