Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fashion in Paris

Wow. This is a very strange year in high fashion. I get the buckles and the utilitarian themes, but Adam Kimmel's outfits, well admittedly, the parts above the neck are way beyond style, except in art circles. Comic book art and cartoon characters are alive! If you are afraid of clowns - a Coulrophobic (I didn't know I was until now!), it is very hard to find the outfits below the masks. See if you can.

Adam Kimmel's casino clown crapshoot hits the jackpot

January 22, 2010 | 7:00 pm

Now this movie I want to see!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The State of the Dis-Union of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is in disarray. The "learned timidity"(New York Times-1-20-2010) and lack of attack instinct is definitely plaguing the current party and perhaps we Dems have forgotten how to push through our agenda after so many years of being out of power. That is a weak excuse and makes me embarrassed to be a Democrat for the first time in my life.
The Democratic Party itself is not only weak but mired in the past. The Obama administration has been baffling us with its failures, not only domestically but abroad at war. We have been patiently (and stupidly) scratching our heads wondering what happened to the Obama we elected, what happened to the promises he made and the followthrough, why did he go for the bailouts, etc. What happened to the Democratic dreams we had for this new young administration that was finally going to do all those wonderful things to help the American people? Why does the Obama administration look and smell like all the others?
The answer is the Democratic party is guilty of living in a bygone era and using stale old tactics to shore up the economy and wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even with Obama at the helm, the administration is using ancient models for warfare, domestic policies and has lost it's ear to the people.
The election yesterday of Mr. Brown to the Senate is another huge blunder we can blame on antiquated thinking. Why were we trying to replace Kennedy with a ghost of a Kennedy and such a poor one at that? The Democrats need to let go of the Kennedy legacy and move on. They are history, literally, and from a bygone era. The Democratic party needs to look at Barack Obama and move forward with him and his new ideas..
The President must have the reins. The Democratic party is either advising and controlling him in ways that are holding him back from following through on his policies, or, he isn't strong enough to push them through. Which is it, we are all asking. Is Obama a weak puppet or in a straight jacket?

Sunday, January 3, 2010


YEMEN has always been a wild and crazy place, I believe. My father went there

in the sixties to check it out for the New York Times, his employers at the time I remember he had a great and exciting time. As he was certainly a world traveler, it struck me that he was unusually intrigued by the place. He told me and my brother stories about how wild it was. He was blindfolded and taken at gun point to meet people in caves who gave him leaves of Quat, a plant that releases a strong stimulant (perhaps like cocaine?) that many Yemeni men chew all day long. He said he was rather scared the whole trip because very little was know about the unruly place then.

Today, in the New York Times, I was interested to read this by Glen Carey (Bloomberg News Dec. 29, 2009)

Yemen, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is the poorest country in the Arab world as well as a haven for Islamic jihadists.


Yemen gained new attention in 2009 from American military officials, who are concerned about Al Qaeda’s efforts to set up a regional base there.

With fears growing of a resurgent Islamist extremism in ... Somalia and East Africa (a short distance away from Yemen, on the African mainland), administration officials and American lawmakers said

Yemen could become Al Qaeda’s next operational and training hub, rivaling the lawless tribal areas of Pakistan where the organization’s top leaders operate.

The Pentagon is spending more than $70 million over 18 months, and using teams of Special Forces, to train and equip Yemeni military, Interior Ministry and coast guard forces, more than doubling previous military aid levels. The White House is seeking to nurture enduring ties with the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and prod him to combat the local Qaeda affiliate, Al Qaeda in the Arabian

Peninsula, even as his impoverished country grapples with seemingly intractable internal turmoil.

General Information on Yemen:

Official Name: Republic of Yemen

Capital: Sanaa (Current local time)

Government Type: Republic

Chief of State: Ali Abdallah Saleh, president

Population: 22.23 million

Area: 328,065 square miles; slightly larger than twice the size of Wyoming

Languages: Arabic

GDP Per Capita: $1,000

Year of Independence: 1990

Web site: Yemen (In Arabic)

Sound familiar? It should. That has been the American way of fighting terrorist

insurgencies for years now. It does not work. Americans should understand the there is

no AL Qaeda hub, no one place the organization operates from. All of these poor

countries have populations ripe for the picking of desperate young people. These “terrible people” who want to kill us are just poor young boys (and girls) who cannot see a future for themselves in their homeland.

Jihadist organizations prey on them. We should protect them. Al Quaeda is everywhere they are.

Instead of millions of dollars spent on the ground fighting people we cannot

see, those funds should be used to shore up stable governments (governments the people want, not governments we fabricate like in Afghanistan) so that infrastructures of financial, health and educational systems can be built and populations can hope for progress and eventual prosperity in the future.

We should educate ourselves, also, about every single country in the world.

Everyone is a player, large or small. If we want to fight terrorrism, troops on the ground is not the way.

I’m just sayin’.